RFI is the movement aim of which is to make India as strong country by the way of education every body want the progress of country but only few people are shining our country is more ahead infield to number of rich people – scientist, industrialists, art, sports, literature, space science which makes us feel proud. But there is something which is obstacle to path of progress that is poverty, illiteracy. Several intelligent poor cannot continue their study and due to their poverty. Which leads to them toward harassment. So we have to fight with that harassment we will give them opportunity and education.Commercialization of education has created two zone between students on one hand there is a community of those students which have full of opportunities and resources but on other hand there is another community of student which found themselves to heard to continue their education. So the population of India which is understand as weakness, we have to make that as our strong. Because those who are not studying and are not getting opportunities are forcing to handling guns. So there is necessary to make them skill full and give them opportunities so that they can also make there identity like bio and cultural diversity of India.So rebuilding of nation is our thought to make it leader of world. For that we have to educat the poor one and also provide him opportunity. So RFI will do all that. We will not only providing free education to intelligent poor by giving free books and financial support them but opportunities for job also.
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